Newsletter 04:「No Country For Canine」in Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei_個展「馴國」於台北市立美術館

Slacks Special 特別的褲子|Photography 攝影|134× 90 cm|2019
Aug 17 to Nov 03 2019
Opening reception Aug 23 14:00
開幕式於 八月二十三號 下午兩點
Dear friends,
My biggest solo exhibition so far will be held in Taipei Fine Art Museum from August.17 until November.03. Title “No Country For Canine 馴國*”, the show focus on the intersection between animals (dog), objects (porcelain) and history (human). The exhibition featuring two video works of an ongoing research, sculpture made with brass, several pencil works on paper, installation that combines Katzhütte porcelain, photography, pencil works and custom-made porcelain. Along side with many porcelain collections and archives that carry unnoticed story.
*In Chinese, literally means "Domestication of Nations"
Best wishes,

Formation Deformation Dogformation 編隊 型變 犬變|White porcelain 白瓷 |Installation size 裝置尺寸|2019
敬祝 順心
