Newsletter 12:巴黎亞洲藝術博覽會、台北藝博、LABVERDE心得

OCT.21 - 23, 2022
Monnaie de Paris 法國鑄幣博物館
Nesting (Amazon Rainforest)_01
21.4×32.1 cm | Inkjet print | 2022
Dear friends,
I will be exhibiting my work at two art fairs in October.
At the Asia Now in Paris, “Wagiwagi” curated by YiPei Lee (Suave Art) will be the special project of this edition. As a long-term multinational and multidisciplinary project, island ecosystems and non-human perspective is the project's core concern. With the addition of members, “Wagiwagi” gradually develops a multi-centered narrative closer to local communities. After being invited by Jatiwangi Art Factory - the Indonesian collective, to present the works for the first time at this year's Documenta in Kassel, it received extensive international media coverage. In this evolved version at Asia Now, I will present objects from the Oology and Others project, the geometrically abstracted eggs and nest structures made with 3D printing. As well as images of the sculptural objects in the Amazon rainforest.
At the special exhibition of Art Taipei “The Artificial, Evolution and Sustainable Future”, curated by Shen Bo-Cheng. The show attempts to break away from the dichotomy between civilization and nature. To consider how ecological care and modern technology can effectively integrate and interact with each other. Using artworks as a reminder and to make “repair/mending”at the point of convergence between the two. The works to present are Digital weathering from Coast Mining series.
Lastly, I would like to share the experience at residency LABVERDE in Brazil, as well as the two soon-to-end exhibitions at REITER Gallery in Berlin and Da Xiang Art Space in Taichung.
Best wishes,

SEP.14 – NOV. 5
在巴黎的亞洲藝術博覽會,由李依佩(細着藝術)策畫的特展單元「Wagiwagi瓦集瓦籍」。做為跨國跨領域的長期計畫,「Wagiwagi瓦集瓦籍」以島嶼生態系以及非人生物作為核心關懷,隨著成員的加入逐步醞釀出更貼近地方社群的多核心敘事。於今年卡賽爾文件展中受到印尼團體Jatiwangi Art Factory的邀請首次展出後受到國際媒體廣泛報導。此次於巴黎亞洲藝術博覽會的演進版本,我將展出Oology and Others系列中使用3D列印製作,以幾何造型抽象化蛋與巢結構的雕塑物件,以及將該物件帶到亞馬遜雨林拍攝的影像。
台北藝博中,由沈伯丞策畫的特展單元「人工、演化與永續未來」,試圖從文明與自然的二元對立中起步卻跳脫,思索生態關懷與當代科技如何有效融合並且互相作用,透過藝術作品作為一種點醒與提示,讓“修補”成為二者周旋的著力點。 展出作品為來自沿岸採礦中的數位風化系列。

Scenery Making: Between Mindscapes and Landscapes
造風景: 內在景觀與外部場景的再現
SEP. 24 – NOV. 11